The cancer is active

Thursday was my appointment with the Oncologist.

I went for my routine blood work and a chest x ray.

The not so good news was, that my liver function tests are pretty off again.
In just one month, most of them had doubled. It appears that the chemo has finished working for me.
It was holding my cancer back from spreading, but it was no longer shrinking down the tumours anymore.
It was very surprising that my cancer would become so active after being on a "chemo break" for just two months.

I was given a decision to either go back on the chemo that I was previously on or start a new one.
It took me a bit to make that decision.
It would be a few weeks before I would be able to get my chemo IV. That part of it is no good. I don'r want to wait any longer.
I want to get on it right now.

The other option is to take Capcitabene wich is capsules that I can take twice a day for two weeks, then one week off.
That and I can take them at home and can start right away.
Well, a new drug, new fight. So, that is what I went for.
I have now taken two doses, one in the morning and one at night.

I pray that this will shrink the cancer down more.

I would love to write a lot more but I am finding it quite difficult, my fingers are too numb and that nagging pain in my neck is still there.

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