A little update

Lately things have been chugging along quite well.
I have to say that I am blessed to not have any symptoms due to the cancer. My complaint department is full of little irritating nagging things that are caused by most likely the chemo.

Funny thing, my neuropathy has gotten worse over the last month or so since I have ended chemo.
I thought it would get better, but no, it has gotten worse. My finger tips are pretty numb, its actually pretty hard to write this right now. (Very good thing I decided to ditch the career idea of Medical transcriptionist)
When I stretch both my arms out, I have a numb, tingly feeling that shoots down both of them and into my hands. Its in the samme place down both arms. Pinched nerve?

My feet are bad. My toes are numb. The bottom of my feet are half numb. Mostly though, on the bottom it feels like I am walking on sand all the time. If there is any little speck of dirt or what have you on the floor, I feel it a lot more than normal.
Its very annoying. I also hate the feeling of our carpet downstairs. I feel all the fibres. They feel like they are all sticking into my feet.
However, having said all of this, I am so blessed.
To be honest, I really don't care if this stays or not. Very small price to pay for feeling so good in almost every other way.
If this is all I get for side effects or annoyances due to cancer, bring it on!!!
I can always peck with my nose at the keyboard.

The only other thing that has been worrying me lately is what I now believe is a pulled muscle in the back of my neck resulting in an ongoing on and off again headache.
I always worry that things like that can be a brain met. since that is another place that this cancer would like to take up residence.

Going back about 11 yrs now, I was in a pretty bad head on car accident.
A 19 yr old kid was out "celebrating" his 19th birthday. He was bar hopping so the accident happened when he was on his way from one bar to another.
He was doing what the police estimated to be 80k and hit me head on. (airbags are awesome if you are not a seatbelt fan and back then I was not)
This wrote off my brand new car with something like 1000k's on it.
The police officer said to me in the hospital that I was very lucky to be alive.

To sum it up, it took quite a while before I could walk again due to knee injuries.
Head, neck and back pain were there to constantly remind me of what a craving for English tea could result in. You never know what is going to happen once you get into a car and drive.

I have off and on woken up some mornings with a head that wont move. Or, at least not with out some pretty bad stiff neck pain.

So, lately, why all of a sudden can my neck pain not be due to this accident still? I guess I worry a lot.

I kind of went off topic with my accident story, its been quite a while since I really have stopped to think about that again.

On another note, I started yoga a month ago.
I go once a week with my mother.
I am really enjoying it a lot. I feel so good after all of that stretching and bending.
However, a lot of the time while I am there and doing my thing, I think to myself "what was i thinking??" But it all works out in the end and I am always glad I went.

I have been drinking a lot of grenen tea lately. I don't know if that doe anything for me or not. Can't hurt though as far as I know.

I want to see a naturopath. I may have mentioned that before but have not done anything to put it into action yet.

I see my Oncologist next Friday.
Actually, its an Oncologist filling in for my regular one. Both my Oncologist and my GP are on sabattical until the end of the month.
Maybe that is why I feel a little more paranoid about things lately.
I am not seeing my Dr.'s that have done such an amazing job to look after me. I don't want to slip through the cracks while they are away.
Having said that though, I have seen both of the Dr.'s filling in and they seem to be trying to be extra thorough with me.
I had to go over a lot of my medical history with one Dr. (I have an inactive thyroid and am on synthroid along with a micro pituitary prolactinoma, these I have to have blood work for every few months to keep my medication dosage regulated) So, having had to start back at the retinoblastoma, by the time I got to the metastatic breast cancer, the Dr. had pulled her glasses down her nose slightly and was looking over the top at me.
"You are quite the medical case" ...."yes, I am" I said as I was having to run out the door after Ethan who ever so quickly got bored of mommy's blathering and chose to split.

So, again, having said all of this, I am very, very blessed.
I may have a medical chart that would tip a scale but whatever. I feel good and at the moment everything is controlled.

Please keep me in your prayers for Friday. I have blood drawn before my appointment to check for tumour markers and any other sneaky business this cancer may be up to.
I hope its behaving itself and keeping quiet.
Aside from my neck pain, there is nothing that would currently make me believe it is up to no good :)

I will post next weekend with how it went, good or bad.
I will also ad some photos, I feel my blog is kind of plain and boring and needs some decorating with some photos.

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