Mother loosing custody of her children due to metastatic breast cancer

I have been following the story of Alaina Giordano.

To sum it up, she has had metastatic breast cancer for about 2 years now. Her husband left her and moved approx. 6hrs away to another state and has filed for custody of the children, 5 and 11 yrs old. I actually think he has filed for joint custody, however, he wants their main residence to be with him which means that the children would have to relocate to another town, school etc.

A judge recently awarded this custody to the father saying that she was not comfortable with the fact that Alaina's future and life expectancy was uncertain due to the breast cancer.

Alaina does not want to leave as well as she has mentioned her support and treatments are where she is in the Durham area.

Since then, there has been so much media on the issue, most of which has all taken her side.

She has filed an appeal. She has found an attorney that was willing to take her case pro bono.

I really do not know what to think. At first I was 100% on her side (not saying that has for sure changed) and so angry that this judge who does not have children of her own (perhaps so she would not make the wrong decision due to bias?) made such a call to rip the children away from the mother who needs them now more than ever.

I relate my own situation to hers. If I had to loose Ethan right now (custody) I don't know what I would do. Honestly, I wonder if I would have the drive to fight. Would it make me give up or fight harder to get better (the small chance I could beat this) and prove I can pick up the pieces of my life and get him back.
I just don't know. I am thankful that I am not in this position.

I do know that if I were in this situation and I was going at child raising alone while fighting cancer, it would be very difficult if I did not have family and friends to support me. Support as in taking my son for days/nights while I had treatments.
I have all of that so I just can't relate.

Alaina's children are not babies though and are capable of helping out and understanding what is going on.

This is a sad situation regardless. I feel so sad for her and her children no matter what the whole story may be.

There are so many posts, blogs, facebook pages (some of which I follow) about this situation. Mostly all supporting Alaina.
I came across one article a while ago that may or may not say it all.

This no doubt is a real tough situation and decision that had to be made.

Again, I am not saying that I am against her. I just am not 100% sure we are all getting the full story.
If we are, then she really REALLY deserves to have her kids and the onus is on the husband to move back to town or sort himself out to make it more convenient for Alaina.
He is the one that (according to everything I have read) broke the marriage vows and left his wife in sickness and for the "worse" part of things and took off to another state.

Regardless, there is a young woman who is fighting stage 4 breast cancer with innocent children who deserve both of their parents and none of this "should" be going on.

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