A little update

This will be a very brief update as life has been busy (with good things) and I am kind of short on time right now to post.

I had another appointment with my Oncologist on Sept.28th which was Dave's and my anniversary.
This is the second year in a row we have seen her on that date.

My tumour markers are down. That is really good news. LDH up a little again but that could be due to the radiation so, again, no panicking until I get the results of the CT scan.

AH HEM.... CT scan. Ok get this one. I had the scan in Abbotsford on the 14th of September.
I go to the appointment with Dr. Gelmon only to find that the report (to be done by the radiologist in Abbotsford) was NOT WRITTEN UP YET!!! WHAT? Are you kidding me? This is not the first time Dr.'s in Vancouver have been disgusted with the way Abbotsford handles things. What a wing ding of a hospital.

I was in touch with her a few days ago and still no report. No report: Not knowing where to go from here.
My Dr. needs that report to compare to the other ones to see if and where, how much the cancer has spread. That and if there is anything urgent that we need to know. My next phase of chemo or any other treatment hangs on this.
There is a lot that can be determined by blood work but we do need the report to go ahead since it tells a much bigger story.

Anyways, otherwise I am good. I am on my oral chemo still for now.

I have had a little scare with what I believe was my liver enlarged and a lot of pain but that seems to be getting a lot better.
Pain went from a 10 to maybe about a 3 or 4 at times. Still concerning but I just have to sit on it so to speak and wait for someone in ABBOTSFORD HOSPITAL to get their ass in gear.

Anyways, again, I have to get going as I have run out of time. Expect more from my next posts soon. I am going to try to add the photos from my radiation up here too.

For now I leave you with a photo I found to be quite amusing, gave me a chuckle. Ok, I could not stop laughing for a few minutes.
How true.
Not something you will probably see on my blog again but sometimes you gotta say what the hey and go for it.

That is all for now everyone! Thanks for reading.

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