Feeling the effects of this chemo

Well, it has been about a month now since I have started my new chemo, Capecitabine.

My dose was originally too high so it has now been lowered.

I have pretty bad neuropathy in my hands, arms, legs and feet. I believe it was as a result of the cisplatin that I was on previously. Sometimes it can take months even after a chemo drug is stopped to have those kinds of side effects start up.

The Capecitabine was not helping any. The bottoms of my feet were red and sore. A very ugly water blister popped up on my already unflattering baby toe. There were a fairly long list of "this' and that's" from this drug.

My main issue that is still very present is exhaustion. I feel like I am one step away from being classed as narcoleptic.

It is getting a little better as I have no choice but to keep up with my son.

Some days I am guilty of plunking him down in front of the tv and throwing on a DVD such as Chuggington for him.

I almost have to so I can sleep on the couch next to him and re charge. It works for the most part.

Today was much better. We had a play date with a friend and her two gorgeous boys. They all had fun together grafetting my stairs and concrete with cement chalk.All good.

Going back a little here to last week, I had an appointment with my Oncologist.

Dr. Gelmon is now back from her two month sabbatical from the clinic. It is always reassuring to see her and know that she knows what has been going on while she was gone.

I had a CT scan which showed that the cancer has been busy in my liver and bones.

My liver tests a month ago were off by double. They are now once again normal woohoo!!! However, still a lot of new tumours.

The chemo drug does appear to be working but will work much slower than if I had an IV chemo. Ok, as long as its working and I am in no immediate threat of liver failure or something to that effect.

Bone scan did not seem to turn up anything new that I am aware of. I believe that means that although there are still tumours in my bones, they are not destroying them at the moment. From what I gather, its the repair activity that the scan shows up.

Maybe I am wrong on that specific detail but still, it shows no further damage at this time. Again, woohoo!

I have an MRI on my head on Thursday. That will prove once and for all I do have a brain! :)

They are actually checking to make sure that my retinoblastoma is not once again present. This is a routine scan that I have done once a year. However, now they are going to look for any brain mets. from the breast cancer and to make sure my pituitary prolactinoma is not growing as my prolactin levels are even higher than normal these days.

Ah, the list is non stop.

I feel pretty good though. I have no immediate issues due to the cancer itself. Its all chemo side effects but when all is said and done, its really not that bad at all. I still function like nothing is wrong. For the most part when I am not falling asleep on my yoga mat or hunched over a grocery cart taking a nap in front of the spices.

I will write more very soon, for the moment this numbness is quite annoying so I think its time I pack it in and get some sleep.

I have music class with Ethan in the morning and a day of shopping for clothes and other fun stuff after.

Good night, thanks for reading :)

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